At the solemn hearing which followed the seminar, President Costa and Jean-Marc Sauvé, Vice-President of the French Conseil d’Etat addressed an audience of about 250 people, including many representatives of judicial institutions and national and local authorities. Press Release, Watch the Ceremony, more information Press Conference
The President of the Court, Jean-Paul Costa, expresses optimism about prospects for reform of the Convention during its annual press conference on Thursday 28 January 2010. Press Release, more information
Election of new Italian judge

Guido Raimondi has been elected to the Court in respect of Italy. Press Release
Second advisory opinion of the Court
In the second advisory opinion, the Court concluded that a list of candidates for election as a judge of the Court in respect of a particular State, which had already been submitted to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, could not be withdrawn and replaced with a new list after the deadline set for submission of the list to the Assembly. Press Release
Court receives prestigious Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Award
The Court has been awarded the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Award for 2010. Press Release
Joint project with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
The Court and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights will join forces to work on a year-long joint project aimed at increasing the knowledge and domestic implementation of EU law and other legal instruments in the field of non-discrimination. Press Release
Ratification of Protocol No. 14
The State Duma of the Russian Federation has voted in favour of the draft law ratifying Protocol No. 14 to the European Convention on Human Rights.
Press Release, Read the Protocole no. 14
Judgments this week
The Court notified in writing 26 Chamber judgments on Tuesday 2 February 2010 (Press release), in particular the cases of Mariana Marinescu v. Romania, Kadluczka v. Poland and Krosta v. Poland, Kubaszewski v. Poland, Saileanu v. Romania, Sinan Isik v. Turkey, Aizpurua Ortiz and Others v. Spain and Christian Democratic People’s Party v. Moldova (No 2).
The Court will also be notifying in writing four Chamber judgments on Thursday 4 February 2010. Press release
Recent judgments
The Court notified in writing seven Chamber judgments on Thursday 28 January 2010 (Press release), in particular the case of Simeonov v. Bulgaria.
The Court notified in writing 32 Chamber judgments on Tuesday 26 January 2010. Press Release
In two judgments against Turkey, the Court found a violation of right to freedom of expression of journalists, editors, senior executives or proprietors of newspapers. Press release
Forthcoming hearing
In February 2010, the Court will be holding a hearing in the case of Schalk and Kopf v. Austria. The applicants are a same-sex couple and live together. They complain in particular of the authorities’ refusal to allow them to contract marriage and allege that they were discriminated against on account of their sexual orientation since they were denied the right to marry and have no other possibility to have their relationship recognised by law. Press Release
Admissibility decision
The Court has declared the Khatchadourian v. Belgium application inadmissible. The applicant, a Lebanese national, is one of the suspects in a judicial investigation concerning Beaulieu, a Belgian textile manufacturing group. Press Release
The application X. v. Ireland about disclosure of identity by minor convicted of manslaughter and reckless driving was declared inadmissible.