The General Assembly,
Reaffirming that one of the basic aims of the United Nations, as proclaimed in the Charter, is to promote and encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion,
Reaffirming faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,
Desiring to promote the realization of the principles contained in the Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as other relevant international instruments that have been adopted at the universal or regional level and those concluded between individual States Members of the United Nations,
Inspired by the provisions of article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights concerning the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities,
Considering that the promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities contribute to the political and social stability of States in which they live,
Emphasizing that the constant promotion and realization of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, as an integral part of the development of society as a whole and within a democratic framework based on the rule of law, would contribute to the strengthening of friendship and cooperation among peoples and States,
Considering that the United Nations has an important role to play regarding the protection of minorities,
Bearing in mind the work done so far within the United Nations system, in particular by the Commission on Human Rights, the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities and the bodies established pursuant to the International Covenants on Human Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments in promoting and protecting the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities,
Taking into account the important work which is done by intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in protecting minorities and in promoting and protecting the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities,
Recognizing the need to ensure even more effective implementation of international human rights instruments with regard to the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities,
Proclaims this Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities:
Article 1. Protection of minorities
States shall protect the existence and the national or ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic identity of minorities within their respective territories and shall encourage conditions for the promotion of that identity.
States shall adopt appropriate legislative and other measures to achieve those ends.
Article 2. Rights of the persons belonging to the minorities
Persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities (hereinafter referred to as persons belonging to minorities) have the right to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practise their own religion, and to use their own language, in private and in public, freely and without interference or any form of discrimination.
Persons belonging to minorities have the right to participate effectively in cultural, religious, social, economic and public life.
Persons belonging to minorities have the right to participate effectively in decisions on the national and, where appropriate, regional level concerning the minority to which they belong or the regions in which they live, in a manner not incompatible with national legislation.
Persons belonging to minorities have the right to establish and maintain their own associations.
Persons belonging to minorities have the right to establish and maintain, without any discrimination, free and peaceful contacts with other members of their group and with persons belonging to other minorities, as well as contacts across frontiers with citizens of other States to whom they are related by national or ethnic, religious or linguistic ties.
Article 3. Freedom of association; non-retaliation for exercise of rights
Persons belonging to minorities may exercise their rights, including those set forth in the present Declaration, individually as well as in community with other members of their group, without any discrimination.
No disadvantage shall result for any person belonging to a minority as the consequence of the exercise or non-exercise of the rights set forth in the present Declaration.
Article 4. Measures to be taken by States
States shall take measures where required to ensure that persons belonging to minorities may exercise fully and effectively all their human rights and fundamental freedoms without any discrimination and in full equality before the law.
States shall take measures to create favourable conditions to enable persons belonging to minorities to express their characteristics and to develop their culture, language, religion, traditions and customs, except where specific practices are in violation of national law and contrary to international standards.
States should take appropriate measures so that, wherever possible, persons belonging to minorities may have adequate opportunities to learn their mother tongue or to have instruction in their mother tongue.
States should, where appropriate, take measures in the field of education, in order to encourage knowledge of the history, traditions, language and culture of the minorities existing within their territory. Persons belonging to minorities should have adequate opportunities to gain knowledge of the society as a whole.
States should consider appropriate measures so that persons belonging to minorities may participate fully in the economic progress and development in their country.
Article 5. National policies and programmes
National policies and programmes shall be planned and implemented with due regard for the legitimate interests of persons belonging to minorities.
Programmes of cooperation and assistance among States should be planned and implemented with due regard for the legitimate interests of persons belonging to minorities.
Article 6. Exchange of information and confidence-building
States should cooperate on questions relating to persons belonging to minorities, inter alia, exchanging information and experiences, in order to promote mutual understanding and confidence.
Article 7. Duty to cooperate
States should cooperate in order to promote respect for the rights set forth in the present Declaration.
Article 8. Protection of principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity and the political independence of states
Nothing in the present Declaration shall prevent the fulfilment of international obligations of States in relation to persons belonging to minorities. In particular, States shall fulfil in good faith the obligations and commitments they have assumed under international treaties and agreements to which they are parties.
The exercise of the rights set forth in the present Declaration shall not prejudice the enjoyment by all persons of universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Measures taken by States to ensure the effective enjoyment of the rights set forth in the present Declaration shall not prima facie be considered contrary to the principle of equality contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Nothing in the present Declaration may be construed as permitting any activity contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations, including sovereign equality, territorial integrity and political independence of States.
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» Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic,Religious or Linguistic Minorities
Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic,Religious or Linguistic Minorities
Unknown | 16:57 | 1Comments
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Dear All,
I would like to thank all of you for such a wonderful presentation of a religion of India which some times back saved this country from becoming TALIBAN. A very very heartly thank you to all of the facebook members, administrators, fans. I am a frequent facebook user but today when I logged in I came to know that the company which states "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" is treating one religion (SIKHS) as an object of laugh. Being a Sikh this gave me a lot of pain that the application (facebook) which I am using from last some years is ridiculing my own religion. I am very angry on myself being a member of this.
Sardarji jokes are being circulated on the facebook very smoothly. I dont know why FACEBOOK people are doing this. Facebook is ridiculing us in front of all the other religions. In front of HINDUS, in front of MUSLIMS, in front of Parsis, in front of all the other religions. I dont know what is the reason for this.
They remind us each and every day that this country belongs to Hindus not to Sikhs. We(SIKHS) were born and brought up in this country but they make us feel refugee.
When India got freedom the contemporary Prime minister assured minorities that they will have the same rights like majorities. But I think that was only on papers.
I am sending this mail to all the government bodies who deal in these type of issues. We dont have Hindu jokes or Muslim jokes then why we have sardarji jokes on youtube.
Along with this I am sending this mail to AKAL TAKHT the supreme body of sikhs who deals in these type of discrimination too.
All the people working in FACEBOOK are not kids they are well educated people of this country. They know that riduculing a religion is not permitted by law if they are doing this it means that they are doing it intentionally.
I am sending this email to the following people.
1) Advisor to Hon CM Gurjrat because the office of the facebook is as follow
B- 304, Samundra Complex,
Behind Classic Gold Hotel,
Off C.G. Road, Navrangpura,
Gujarat, India
2) Ramesh Karia Deputy Seceratory CM Gujrat
3)J M Zala Dy Sec C.M Office Gujrat
4) Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee
5) National Commission on Minorities
6) Akaal Takht
Facebook is not only ridiculing or moking a religion but also making fun of the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point Programme for Welfare of Minorities’. In this programme the 14th point says that "
14) Prosecution for communal offences
"Severe action should be taken against all those who incite communal tension or take part in violence. Special court or courts specifically earmarked to try communal offences should be set up so that offenders are brought to book speedily."
I would also like to state the decelaration by the United nation
"UN Declaration of 18th December 1992
In order to strengthen the cause of the minorities, the United Nations promulgated the “Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities” on 18th December 1992 proclaiming that:
“States shall protect the existence of the National or Ethnic, Cultural, Religious and Linguistic identity of minorities within their respective territories and encourage conditions for the promotion of that identity.”
The National Commission for Minorities has been observing the 18th December as a Minorities Rights Day every year.
I request the government bodies to take strict actions for this.
Thank and regards
Amarpal Singh
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