Professor Dirk Voorhoof of Ghent University guest-posted on this earlier last year. Here is another guest post of his, on the recent case of Financial Times Ltd. and others v. the United Kingdom, in which the Court unanimously found a violation of the Convention in a case on the same kind of issue. Is it an indication of where the Grand Chamber may go? Who knows....
European Court of Human Rights rules unanimously in favour of strong protection of journalistic sources
by prof. Dirk Voorhoof, Ghent University Belgium and Copenhagen University, Denmark.
I study Journalism and Communication and I have to find 10 Principles from 7 different cases against Romania regarding the violation of freedom of speech. I have to admit that I do not understand this request and I am already on internet since 2 days looking for the meaning. Article 10 of ECHR has only 2 Par., I do not understand what is meaning about 10 Principles. And I do not know how to find only those cases against Romania which regards the freedom of speech. Have you any idea what can be talking about?
Thank you in advance for any reply.
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